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Online Associate of Arts for Accounting Professionals

American Public University is a leader in providing career-relevant education in accounting. And each accounting degree is completed entirely online.

Accounting is a multifunctional discipline that affects all aspects of business and organizational operations. American Public University offers an Associate of Arts in Accounting for individuals and professionals interested in developing specific accounting skills. This foundational program is designed to develop core business requirements and help individuals qualify for advanced degree programs. Students gain a working understanding of bookkeeping, accounting, and auditing best practices.

APU provides its accounting degree program entirely online, giving students the opportunity to fit a quality accounting degree into their busy lives. Students learn from practicing instructors, many who are leaders in accounting, business, and interrelated studies. The curriculum provides students a well-rounded education by exploring core subjects such as business strategy development, financial statement analysis, budgeting, economics, management, and business ethics. Students are presented various financial statements and are taught to record, present, and analyze key financial data.

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